

Ministère de la Culture (Direction générale des patrimoines et de l'architecture)

The Ministry of Culture promotes the development of artistic practice and teaching and contributes, with the other relevant ministries, to the development of the artistic and cultural education of children and young adults throughout their education.

Ministère du logement et de la rénovation urbaine (Direction générale de l'aménagement, du logement et de la nature - DGALN)

The Ministry of Housing and Urban Renewal, responsible for public policy on housing and development, works to improve housing conditions and quality of life in urban areas. It backs the renovation of buildings, access to housing for all, and supports local authorities on projects for sustainable urban development.


Agence nationale de la cohésion des territoires (ANCT)

The national agency for regional solidarity supports and advises the government in its policy-making to combat regional inequalities and support regional development. It liaises with local bodies and residents to establish and implement urban and regional development policies. To meet economic and social evolutions, the ANCT conducts forecasting studies in order to orientate public policy, as well as assisting areas, in particularly the most disadvantaged, to develop their potential by stimulating economic activity, backing ecological transition and promoting trials and innovation.

Agence nationale pour la rénovation urbaine (ANRU)

The ANRU (French national agency for urban renewal) provides finance and assistance for local authorities and social housing providers to carry out major projects of renovation in particularly disadvantaged neighborhoods. The aim is to radically transform these neighborhoods, not only by improving housing, but also by opening them up and fostering social diversity.

Conseil national de l’Ordre des architectes

The Conseil national de l'Ordre des architectes, French national institute governing the architectural profession. Coming under the aegis of the Ministry of Culture, it coordinates the work of its regional branches and ensures the circulation of information. It represents the profession in relation to public authorities, which consult it on all relevant matters. Its vocation is to uphold the status of the architect and to ensure that the legislation and obligations imposed on architects by law are respected.

Mission interministérielle pour la qualité des constructions publiques (MIQCP)

The role of the inter-ministerial committee for the quality of public buildings, overseen by the minister responsible for architecture, is to encourage improvement in the quality of public building and development projects. It provides expertise for public contracting authorities and architectural professionals. It participates in discussions led by governmental departments and supports regional authorities by providing consultancy, information and training.

Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine

The Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine is an architectural institute promoting French architecture within France and abroad, showcasing iconic heritage projects of French architecture and international contemporary design.

Banque des Territoires

The Banque des Territoires, created in 2018 by the Caisse des Dépôts, is a public-sector organization dedicated to regional development. Affiliated to the Direction des Investissements et du Développement Local (the department overseeing development investment in different regions), its role is to support local authorities, public companies and private players involved in projects for the common good. 

It finances innovative initiatives, providing expertise in sustainable development, social cohesion and urban development, and assists in ecological and digital transition in order to boost the attraction and resilience of local areas.